Neuroinclusion is about adapting processes, procedures, work environments and corporate cultures to support and integrate people with neurodivergent profiles within a company or organisation.
About 15% to 20% of the world's population has a neurodivergent profile. Examples of neurotypes include autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, Tourette syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorders, anxiety disorders, high sensitivity and bipolar disorders.
In a job market where sustainability and diversity are becoming increasingly important, companies must comply with the European sustainability reporting on ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) from 2025 onwards. Although progress has been made in environment and governance, the social aspect remains challenging. Neuro-inclusion can help to strengthen this aspect.
In addition, a neuroinclusive approach gives you access to a broader talent pool and increases employee satisfaction, leading to lower turnover. Companies that recognise and leverage the strengths of neurodivergent employees strengthen their strategic vision and agility.
At Passwerk, we develop our neuro-inclusion services based on the specific HR challenges of each company and build on existing diversity initiatives. The goal is to achieve an evolutionary and effective diversity policy.
Deploying experienced consultants to support companies in working with neurodivergent profiles.
Neuro-Inclusion Maturity Analysis of the current neuro-inclusion status within a company, including a data-driven report, workshop, and action plan:
Matching expectations: Discussion and preparation with key stakeholders.
Documentation and interviews: Collection of relevant documentation and interviews on HR processes.
Survey: Digital survey of managers and employees.
Report and workshop: Analysis report and workshop for action plan towards greater neuro-inclusion.
Action plan: Discussion and approval with management.
Consultancy for implementation of an action plan.
Ten training modules on topics such as inclusive leadership, communication, and recruitment.
External job coaching
External job coaching for neurodivergent employees.
Custom support
Additional services adapted to specific business needs.