Diversity and inclusion are high on the agenda of many companies and organisations these days. Where diversity used to be about a balance between men and women, diversity now goes much further. There is also more and more talk about neurodiversity. Neurodiversity means a difference in thinking by, for example, people with an autism spectrum profile.
What certainly contributes to the importance of diversity and inclusion at the boardroom tables is that the new European Directive 'Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)' or the mandatory sustainability reporting will soon come into force. This will include attention to diversity, but it is not just this guideline that will provide more attention to diversity and inclusion.
Companies and organisations are increasingly aware that diversity and inclusion offer added value, both for the results they aim to achieve and for the satisfaction and wellbeing of employees. Shareholders and stakeholders also expect companies and organisations in which they invest to pay increased attention to this topic. Due to the current 'war on talent', it is also necessary to think differently about the various roles within a company or organisation. Attracting and retaining talent requires a broader view.
The intention or decision to pay more attention to diversity and inclusion must be translated into strategies and policies in order to realise them in practice. It is often the case that the recruitment and selection process is not adapted to attract people with autism, for example. Both the way tests and interviews are organised and the evaluation of candidates' talents must be approached differently. The onboarding and the work processes must be reviewed. Perhaps the workplace can also be optimised. The supervisors will have to manage the employees in a more customised manner so they can develop further. More attention to customisation and talent management.
All this can discourage companies or organisations. They mainly see the costs involved with this, and much less as an investment from which they can reap the benefits in the slightly longer term. But they can also choose to collaborate with a company like Passwerk. In addition to excellent quality, diversity and inclusion are an added bonus. Passwerk specialises in recruiting and selecting employees with an autism spectrum profile. Thanks to the combined approach of talent management and customised work, we succeed in offering clients excellent service as well as diversity and inclusion in the workplace. It can be a first step towards developing your own strategy and a solution to quickly and efficiently realise diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Passwerk offers companies and organisations the opportunity to realise their intentions or decisions efficiently by working together with Passwerk's consultants, without the need for process-related interventions within the company or organisation. It is a clear signal to our own employees that diversity and inclusion are taken seriously and do not remain a vague concept.
Passwerk has fifteen years of experience, which is a guarantee that future clients can trust that everything will run smoothly, both for the start-up and efficient collaboration. In the past, it has been proven many times that the initial hesitation of some clients was unjustified!