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ICT Community for ASD fund

Passwerk started the ICT Community for ASD fund 10 years ago. Passwerk was created as a Cooperative Company with Limited Liability with a social goal. We translate this 'social goal' by, among other things, transferring part of our profits to this fund every year. This is the largest source of income for the ICT Community for ASD fund, but meanwhile more than 40,000 euros have been obtained via all kinds of actions and initiatives.

66 projects have been supported by the fund so far for a total amount of more than 480,000 euros, but other organisations with added social value also receive our support, including financial and practical support as well as advice.

Of the approximately 40 projects that are submitted annually, the jury selects a number of projects that ultimately receive financial support. These are usually non-profits that provide added value to the housing-, living- or working conditions of people with autism or that contributes to destigmatising autism.

Every year, the fund's board committee chooses a theme that is given extra focus when assessing the submitted projects. This year's theme is ‘movement’. The annual themes previously chosen as well as more information about the fund, the supported projects or how to submit a project can be found at

Would you like to organise an action or as a company make a donation to our fund, then do not hesitate to contact us!

Below is a short video about our ‘ICT Community for ASD’ fund 👇


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