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Testimonial Van Marcke

After a successful two-and-a-half-year collaboration, Van Marcke looks back on their partnership with Passwerk. What did they learn from the collaboration, how did it go and what exactly did the consultants do? You can read and see all about it below.

For the implementation of SAP S/4Hana, Van Marcke, a leading player in the distribution of sanitary and heating equipment, was looking for support to assist their IT team. They called on consultants from Passwerk for a Support Processes assignment. As such, the consultants were mainly deployed to take on data migration and data cleansing of Master Data, where attention to detail and accuracy are key.

"The great advantage of working with people from Passwerk is that they are well-trained beforehand, so they need little extra explanation to perform their tasks. In addition, they are also very precise, which is necessary to make it run smoothly and therefore we can rely on them." – Stijn Hoegaerts, IT Director

The support of the job coaches was also an advantage from which Van Marcke colleagues took several lessons. Clear and written communication ensured that tasks were always clear to the consultants. They could then complete these tasks independently at a fast pace without being disturbed.

Van Marcke is a warm and inclusive company that values people's well-being. Thus, they find a team with diverse types of employees not only enriching but also leads to better results. They also experienced this in practice in their cooperation with Passwerk, which is why they look back on it with great satisfaction.

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